Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We've arrived and we're doing well...

We'll we've arrived and we're doing well. Communication has been a little harder to get to so this is our first post since being here.

We've had to cross a few rivers and mountians to get to our first sight but we've made it. So far we have had two churches that have never work together come together. At our second sight we had another six churches come together as well.

There has been a lot of "first" for them in ministry as well as our team but it's been great to see how God is bring us to new places in ministry.

Today we arrives at the youth conference. We are excited to see what's next and what God is going to do through us and the church.

Please keep praying for the team and the churches that we are working with.

Pictures will be coming soon once we get better communication lines.